
The Importance of In-Home Care After Hospitalization

The Importance of In-Home Care After Hospitalization

Patient with Vitals monitor


After a hospital stay, transitioning back to the comfort of one's own home is a crucial step in the recovery process. However, this transition can often be overwhelming and challenging, especially for individuals with complex medical needs. This is where in-home care plays a pivotal role. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of why in-home care is of paramount importance after hospitalization.

Moving from the structured environment of a hospital to the familiarity of one's own home can be a significant relief. However, it also brings about new responsibilities and potential risks. In-home care professionals are trained to facilitate this transition smoothly, ensuring that the individual's needs are met while maintaining a safe and supportive environment.

Individualized Care Plans

One of the key benefits of in-home care is the creation of personalized care plans. Unlike a one-size-fits-all approach in a hospital setting, in-home caregivers take into account the unique medical requirements, preferences, and routines of each individual. This tailored approach leads to more effective care and a faster recovery process.

Monitoring Vital Signs and Medications

In-home caregivers are equipped to monitor vital signs and administer medications as prescribed by healthcare professionals. This ensures that the individual's health remains stable and any potential issues are addressed promptly, reducing the risk of complications that could lead to rehospitalization.

Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

For individuals recovering from surgery or managing chronic conditions, rehabilitation and physical therapy are often crucial aspects of the recovery journey. In-home care providers work closely with therapists to implement personalized exercise routines and techniques that aid in regaining strength and mobility.

Emotional Support and Companionship

Beyond physical care, in-home caregivers provide invaluable emotional support and companionship. This aspect of care is particularly beneficial for individuals who may be experiencing feelings of isolation or anxiety after a hospital stay.

Want help keeping track of all this? Then check out our Home Bound Checklist. 

The Home Bound Checklist

Dietary Guidance and Meal Preparation

Proper nutrition is a cornerstone of recovery. In-home caregivers offer guidance on dietary requirements and can assist in meal preparation, ensuring that the individual receives the nutrients necessary for a speedy recovery.

Maintaining a Safe Environment

In-home care providers conduct thorough assessments of the home environment to identify and address potential safety hazards. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of accidents or falls, creating a secure space for the individual to recover comfortably.

Reducing the Risk of Rehospitalization

Studies have shown that individuals receiving in-home care are less likely to be readmitted to the hospital. This is attributed to the focused and individualized care provided, which addresses the specific needs and challenges faced by the individual during their recovery period.

Benefits for Family Members

In-home care also alleviates the burden on family members who may be juggling multiple responsibilities. Knowing that their loved one is receiving expert care at home provides peace of mind and allows family members to focus on their own well-being.

Cost-Effectiveness of In-Home Care

Contrary to popular belief, in-home care can be a cost-effective alternative to extended hospital stays or residential care facilities. It eliminates many of the overhead costs associated with institutional care, making it an economical choice for many individuals and families.

Personalized Attention and Dignity

In-home care allows for a level of personalized attention that may be challenging to achieve in a busy hospital setting. This focused care not only promotes a quicker recovery but also upholds the individual's dignity and autonomy.

Enhancing Quality of Life

Ultimately, in-home care contributes to an improved quality of life for the individual. By receiving care in the comfort of their own surroundings, they experience a greater sense of control, familiarity, and overall well-being.


In-home care is a vital component of the post-hospitalization recovery process. Its individualized approach, focus on holistic well-being, and cost-effectiveness make it an invaluable choice for those seeking a smooth and supported transition back to everyday life.


  1. Is in-home care suitable for all medical conditions?
    • In-home care can be tailored to a wide range of medical conditions, but its suitability depends on the specific needs of the individual. A consultation with a healthcare professional can help determine the best course of action.
  2. How do I find a reputable in-home care provider?
    • Researching and selecting an in-home care provider involves factors such as certification, reviews, and compatibility with the individual's needs. Seeking recommendations from healthcare professionals can also be beneficial.
  3. What if my loved one's condition worsens while receiving in-home care?
    • In-home care providers are trained to monitor and respond to changes in the individual's condition. They will have protocols in place to escalate any concerns to healthcare professionals.
  4. Is in-home care covered by insurance or Medicare?
    • In some cases, in-home care may be covered by insurance or Medicare, depending on the specific circumstances and eligibility criteria. It's recommended to check with the respective insurance provider for details.
  5. Can I request specific caregivers for my loved one?
    • Many in-home care agencies strive to match caregivers with the preferences and needs of the individual. While specific requests can be made, availability may vary depending on the agency's resources.

Hey, are you looking to get ready for a discharge?

Then check out our Home Bound Checklist. It's full of 23 different steps to take when you or a loved one are transitioning home from a hospital stay.


Understanding the Different Types of In-Home Care Services

CG and Client in Kitchen


In-home care services have become an essential component of healthcare for individuals who require assistance with daily activities or medical needs. This type of care allows people to maintain their independence and receive personalized attention within the comfort of their own homes. Understanding the different types of in-home care services available is crucial for making informed decisions about the well-being of yourself or your loved ones. In-home care plays a pivotal role in ensuring the well-being and quality of life for individuals who may have difficulty with tasks such as bathing, dressing, or managing medication. It provides a tailored approach to care, considering the specific needs and preferences of the individual.

Types of In-Home Care Services

Companionship Care

Companionship care focuses on providing emotional support and companionship to individuals who may be isolated or lonely. Caregivers engage in activities, conversations, and outings to enhance the overall quality of life.

Personal Care Assistance

Personal care assistance involves helping individuals with activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, grooming, and dressing. Caregivers ensure that basic needs are met, promoting hygiene and well-being.

Alzheimer's and Dementia Care

This specialized form of care is designed to support individuals living with Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia. Caregivers receive training to address the unique challenges associated with cognitive decline.

Medical Care

Medical in-home care is provided by licensed healthcare professionals, including registered nurses and therapists. This type of care involves administering medication, managing medical conditions, and providing necessary medical treatments.

Hospice Care

Hospice care is specialized care provided for individuals with terminal illnesses. It focuses on pain management, comfort, and emotional support for both the individual and their family during this challenging time.

Respite Care

Respite care offers temporary relief to primary caregivers, allowing them to take a break from their responsibilities while ensuring that their loved ones receive the necessary care and attention.

Benefits of In-Home Care Services

In-home care provides numerous benefits, including personalized attention, familiar surroundings, and the ability to maintain independence. It also offers peace of mind for family members, knowing their loved ones are receiving high-quality care.

Cost Considerations

The cost of in-home care can vary depending on the type and level of care required. It's essential to explore options such as insurance coverage, government programs, and payment plans to ensure affordability.

How to Choose the Right In-Home Care Service

When selecting an in-home care service, it's crucial to consider factors such as the level of care needed, qualifications of caregivers, and compatibility with the individual's personality and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the difference between in-home care and assisted living?
    • In-home care allows individuals to receive care in their own homes, while assisted living involves residing in a communal setting with access to care services.
  2. How do I find a reputable in-home care agency?
    • Research and read reviews, ask for referrals, and verify the credentials and training of caregivers.
  3. Can I customize the in-home care plan to fit specific needs?
    • Yes, reputable agencies offer personalized care plans tailored to the individual's unique requirements.
  4. Is in-home care covered by insurance?
    • Some insurance plans, such as long-term care insurance or certain Medicaid programs, may cover in-home care services. It's important to verify with the insurance provider.
  5. What qualifications should I look for in an in-home caregiver?
    • Look for caregivers with appropriate certifications, training, and experience in the specific type of care needed.


Understanding the different types of in-home care services empowers individuals and families to make informed decisions about their healthcare needs. Whether it's personal care assistance, medical care, or companionship care, these services offer a compassionate and personalized approach to improving the quality of life for those in need.

10 Essential Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Home Recovery

10 Essential Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Home Recovery

Elderly Couple at Home

Recovering from an illness or surgery is a crucial period that demands a safe and comfortable environment. Ensuring that your home supports your recovery process is vital for a speedy and smooth healing journey. Here are ten essential tips to create the perfect environment for your home recovery.


Embarking on the road to recovery requires more than just medical attention. Your surroundings play a pivotal role in the healing process. By making a few adjustments, you can transform your home into a sanctuary of comfort and safety.

Creating a Safe Environment

Removing Hazards

The first step in ensuring a safe home recovery is to eliminate potential hazards. This includes securing loose rugs, removing clutter, and ensuring that walkways are clear. Install handrails and grab bars in key areas to provide additional support.

Proper Lighting

Good lighting is crucial for preventing accidents. Ensure that all areas are well-lit, especially staircases, hallways, and entryways. Consider adding motion-sensor lights to provide adequate illumination during nighttime.

Adequate Ventilation

Fresh air is essential for a healthy recovery. Ensure that your living space is well-ventilated. Open windows regularly and consider using air purifiers to maintain a clean and fresh environment.

Setting Up a Comfortable Space

Choosing the Right Furniture

Selecting comfortable and supportive furniture is key to creating a conducive recovery space. Opt for chairs and beds with ergonomic designs that provide proper back support and cushioning.

Arranging for Accessibility

Arrange furniture to allow easy access to essential areas. Ensure that you can move freely without obstacles. Consider temporarily relocating items that may hinder your mobility.

Personalizing the Space

Adding personal touches can significantly boost your morale. Decorate your space with items that bring you joy, such as photos, artwork, or comforting mementos.

Access to Necessities

Proximity to Amenities

Arrange your living space in close proximity to necessary amenities like the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. This minimizes the need for excessive movement, promoting a smoother recovery process.

Organizing Supplies

Keep essential items within easy reach. Arrange supplies like medications, toiletries, and snacks in a convenient and accessible manner.

Assistance and Support

Enlisting Help

Don't hesitate to seek help from friends, family, or professional caregivers. Having a support system in place can make a world of difference in your recovery journey.

Communication Accessibility

Ensure that you can easily communicate with those around you. Keep a phone or communication device nearby and consider using assistive technologies if needed.

Medical Resources

Have a list of important contacts readily available, including your healthcare provider's information and emergency numbers. Knowing where to turn for medical assistance is crucial.

Want help keeping track of all this? Then check out our Home Bound Checklist.

Maintaining Emotional Well-being

Creating a Positive Atmosphere


A positive environment can do wonders for your emotional well-being. Surround yourself with uplifting colors, soothing music, and comforting scents.

Engaging in Relaxation Techniques

Incorporate relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises or meditation into your daily routine. These practices can help alleviate stress and promote a sense of calm.

Staying Connected

Maintain social connections through calls, video chats, or virtual meetups. Staying connected with loved ones provides emotional support and reduces feelings of isolation.

Establishing a Routine

Balancing Activity and Rest

Find a balance between activity and rest. Establish a routine that includes short periods of gentle activity followed by ample time for rest and recovery.

Incorporating Therapeutic Exercises

If recommended by your healthcare provider, incorporate therapeutic exercises into your routine. These exercises can aid in your recovery process.

Managing Medication

Stay on top of your medication schedule. Set reminders and keep a record of dosages to ensure you're receiving the care you need.

Monitoring Progress

Keeping Track of Recovery Milestones


Document your progress to celebrate milestones and identify areas that may need extra attention. This provides a sense of accomplishment and keeps you motivated.

Recognizing Warning Signs

Be vigilant in recognizing any signs of complications. If you experience unusual pain, discomfort, or symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Consult your healthcare provider regularly to discuss your progress. They can provide guidance, and adjustments to your treatment plan, and address any concerns.

Adapting to Challenges

Problem-Solving Strategies

Approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset. Seek creative solutions and don't hesitate to ask for help when needed.

Seeking Alternative Solutions

If certain aspects of your recovery plan prove challenging, explore alternative approaches with your healthcare provider. They can offer insights and adjustments to better suit your needs.


Creating a safe and comfortable home recovery environment is a vital step toward a successful healing journey. By following these ten essential tips, you can optimize your surroundings to support your recovery process effectively. Remember, your well-being is paramount, and your home should be a sanctuary that promotes healing and comfort.


  • How soon should I start preparing my home for recovery?
    • It's advisable to start making adjustments well in advance of your scheduled recovery period. This ensures that your home is fully prepared and optimized for your comfort and safety.
  • What are some additional safety measures I can implement?
    • Installing non-slip mats, securing rugs, and ensuring proper handrails are additional measures that can enhance safety during recovery.
  • How can I maintain a positive mindset during recovery?
    • Surround yourself with uplifting elements, engage in activities you enjoy, and seek support from loved ones. These factors contribute to a positive emotional state.
  • What should I do if I encounter unexpected challenges during recovery?
    • Don't hesitate to consult your healthcare provider. They can offer guidance and adjustments to your recovery plan to address any challenges you may face.
  • Is it necessary to consult a professional for home modifications?
    • Depending on your specific needs, consulting with a professional for home modifications, such as occupational therapists or accessibility experts, can be immensely beneficial in creating an optimal recovery environment. 

Hey, are you looking to get ready for a discharge?

Then check out our Home Bound Checklist. It's full of 23 different steps to take when you or a loved one are transitioning home from a hospital stay.


The Difficult Step: Transitioning Home From a Hospital Stay

The Difficult Step: Transitioning Home From a Hospital Stay


Transitioning from a hospital stay to the comfort of your own home can be a significant step towards recovery and well-being. However, it requires careful planning and attention to ensure a smooth process. This guide will walk you through the essential steps and considerations to make this transition as seamless as possible.

Understanding Your Discharge Plan

Upon being discharged from the hospital, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your discharge plan. This includes comprehending any medical instructions provided and arranging follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider.

Preparing Your Home Environment

Ensuring that your home is accessible and safe is paramount for a smooth transition. Consider implementing safety measures and obtaining any necessary assistive devices.

Safety Measures

  • Install grab bars in the bathroom and near staircases.
  • Remove any tripping hazards such as loose rugs or cluttered walkways.

Assistive Devices

Depending on your needs, you may require assistive devices such as a walker, wheelchair, or shower chair. Ensure that these are readily available and in good condition.

Medication Management

Properly managing your medications is crucial for a successful transition. This involves organizing your medications and understanding their dosage and frequency. You can get additional assistance from a local home nursing agency, who can come in and pre-dose your medications for you. You can also ask your pharmacist about medication blister packs. 

Organizing Medications

Use pill organizers or a medication schedule to keep track of when to take each medication. This can help prevent missed doses or double-dosing. Again this is where tools such as Sunday-Saturday med boxes or daily blister packs can be useful. 

Understanding Dosage and Frequency

If you have any questions or concerns about your medications, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider or pharmacist for clarification.

Nutrition and Dietary Needs

Maintaining a balanced diet is essential for recovery. Consider meal planning and address any special dietary requirements you may have. If you have difficulty preparing these meals for yourself, look at local services. Your senior center or council on aging may have a Meals on Wheels service where they deliver it to your door. Another option is having a caregiver prepare meals for you and assist with other activities of daily living.

Meal Planning

Plan nutritious meals that cater to your specific dietary needs. This may involve consulting a dietitian for personalized guidance.

Special Dietary Requirements

If you have allergies, intolerances, or specific dietary restrictions, make sure to communicate these to your caregiver or family members involved in meal preparation.

Mobility and Rehabilitation

Regaining strength and mobility may be a significant focus of your recovery. Engage in prescribed exercises and consider using assistive devices as recommended.

Exercise and Physical Therapy

Follow the exercise regimen provided by your healthcare provider or physical therapist. Consistency is key to progress.

Assistance Devices

Utilize any recommended devices, such as canes or braces, to support your mobility efforts.

Emotional Support and Mental Well-being

Transitioning from the hospital to home can be emotionally challenging. It's important to acknowledge and address your feelings during this period.

Coping with Change

Allow yourself time to adapt to the new environment and any changes in routine. Seek emotional support from friends, family, or professional counselors if needed.

Seeking Professional Help if Needed

If you find yourself struggling with your mental well-being, don't hesitate to reach out for professional assistance. There are resources available to help you through this transition

Communication with Healthcare Providers

Maintaining open lines of communication with your healthcare providers is vital for ongoing care and addressing any concerns or questions. For more intensive recovery cases a case worker or social worker may be assigned to you by the hospital.

Keeping Lines of Communication Open

Ensure that you have contact information for your primary care physician and any specialists involved in your care. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or encounter any issues.

Addressing Concerns and Questions

If you experience any unexpected symptoms or have concerns about your recovery, it's crucial to communicate these promptly to your healthcare team.

Family and Caregiver Involvement

Involving your family and caregivers in your recovery process can provide invaluable support. However, if it becomes too much for you or a loved one to handle alone, there is no shame in getting assistance. There are support groups and additional resources (such as respite care options) available. 

Delegating Responsibilities

Clearly communicate your needs and delegate specific responsibilities to your family members or caregivers. This can help ensure that you receive the assistance you require.

Providing Support and Encouragement

Families and caregivers play a vital role in the recovery process. Express your gratitude and communicate openly about your progress and needs

Monitoring and Recognizing Warning Signs

Being aware of potential complications and knowing when to seek immediate medical attention is crucial for your well-being.

Signs of Complications

Familiarize yourself with potential warning signs related to your specific condition or procedure. This knowledge can help you take prompt action if needed.

When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention

If you experience severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, or excessive bleeding, seek immediate medical attention or call 911.

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

Recovery is a gradual process, and setting realistic goals can help you track your progress and stay motivated.

Gradual Progress

Acknowledge small achievements along the way. Celebrate your progress, no matter how minor it may seem.

Celebrating Achievements

Recognize your achievements, and use them as motivation to continue working towards your long-term health goals.

Creating a Support System


Building a support system can provide you with the encouragement and resources you need during your recovery.

Community Resources

Explore local resources, such as support groups or community centers, that can offer additional support and guidance.

Support Groups

Connecting with others who have experienced similar transitions can be incredibly beneficial. Consider joining a support group related to your specific health condition.

Financial Considerations

Understanding the financial aspects of your healthcare can help alleviate any potential stressors during your transition.

Insurance and Coverage

Review your insurance coverage and understand what expenses are covered. If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your insurance provider.

Budgeting for Medical Expenses

If applicable, create a budget to manage any out-of-pocket expenses related to your healthcare needs.

Adapting to Daily Life


Establishing routines and incorporating activities you enjoy can contribute to your overall well-being.

Establishing Routines

Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and stability during your recovery process.

Incorporating Hobbies and Activities

Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being.

Long-term Planning and Follow-up Care

Thinking about your long-term health goals and maintaining continuity of care is essential for sustained well-being.

Continuity of Care

Schedule and attend follow-up appointments as recommended by your healthcare provider. This ensures that you stay on track with your recovery plan.

Future Health Goals

Set and discuss long-term health goals with your healthcare team. This proactive approach can help you work towards a healthier future.


Transitioning from the hospital to home requires careful planning, open communication, and a supportive network. By understanding and implementing the steps outlined in this guide, you can embark on a successful journey toward recovery and improved well-being.


  • How soon should I start preparing for my transition from the hospital to home?
    • It's best to start preparing as soon as you receive information about your discharge date. This allows ample time for planning and ensuring a smooth transition.
  • What should I do if I have difficulty managing my medications at home?
    • If you're struggling with medication management, reach out to your healthcare provider or pharmacist for guidance. They can offer solutions or adjustments to your medication regimen.
  • Are there resources available to help with home modifications for accessibility?
    • Yes, there are various resources available, including government programs and non-profit organizations, that provide assistance with home modifications for accessibility.
  • How can I find a support group related to my specific health condition?
    • You can start by asking your healthcare provider or conducting an online search. Many organizations host support groups and provide information on how to join.
  • What steps can I take to address financial concerns related to my healthcare needs?
    • Begin by reviewing your insurance coverage and exploring any available financial assistance programs. Additionally, consider creating a budget to manage out-of-pocket expenses.

What Will Medicare Cover for In-Home Care?

What Will Medicare Cover for In-Home Care?

Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people aged 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). One of the benefits that Medicare provides is coverage for in-home care services, which allows eligible individuals to receive care in the comfort of their own homes. In this article, we will discuss what Medicare covers for in-home care, what services are included, and how to qualify for coverage.

What is In-Home Care?

In-home care is a type of healthcare service that allows individuals to receive medical care and support in their own homes. This service is often provided by healthcare professionals, such as nurses, therapists, and aides, who come to the patient's home to provide care. In-home care can include a wide range of services, such as:

  • Skilled nursing care
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Medical social services
  • Home health aide services

What Will Medicare Cover for In-Home Care?

Medicare Part A and Part B cover in-home care services for eligible individuals. Medicare Part A, also known as hospital insurance, covers in-home care services that are deemed medically necessary and ordered by a doctor. Medicare Part B, also known as medical insurance, covers certain in-home care services that are considered preventive or medically necessary.

Medicare Part A Coverage for In-Home Care

Medicare Part A covers the following in-home care services:

  • Skilled nursing care: This includes services such as wound care, injections, and medication management. Skilled nursing care is covered by Medicare Part A if it is ordered by a doctor and deemed medically necessary.
  • Home health aide services: This includes services such as bathing, dressing, and other personal care needs. Home health aide services are covered by Medicare Part A if they are ordered by a doctor and deemed medically necessary.
  • Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy: These services are covered by Medicare Part A if they are ordered by a doctor and deemed medically necessary.
  • Medical social services: This includes counseling and support services for individuals and families. Medical social services are covered by Medicare Part A if they are ordered by a doctor and deemed medically necessary.

Medicare Part B Coverage for In-Home Care

Medicare Part B covers the following in-home care services:

  • Preventive services: Medicare Part B covers certain preventive services, such as flu shots, diabetes screenings, and cardiovascular disease screenings. These services are covered once a year, and there is no cost to the patient.
  • Medically necessary services: Medicare Part B covers certain medically necessary in-home care services, such as intermittent skilled nursing care, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. These services must be ordered by a doctor and deemed medically necessary.

How to Qualify for Medicare Coverage for In-Home Care

To qualify for Medicare coverage for in-home care, you must meet certain criteria. To be eligible for Medicare Part A coverage for in-home care, you must:

  • Be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B
  • Be homebound: This means that leaving your home requires a considerable and taxing effort.
  • Require skilled nursing care or therapy services: These services must be ordered by a doctor and deemed medically necessary.
  • Have a plan of care: This is a written plan that outlines the in-home care services that you need.

To be eligible for Medicare Part B coverage for in-home care, you must:

  • Be enrolled in Medicare Part B
  • Require intermittent skilled nursing care, physical therapy, or occupational therapy: These services must be ordered by a doctor and deemed medically necessary.


In-home care can be a valuable service for individuals who require medical care and support but prefer to receive it in the comfort of their own homes. Medicare provides coverage for in-home care services for eligible individuals, which can help to reduce the cost of these services and ensure that patients receive the care they need. To qualify for Medicare coverage for in-home care, individuals must meet certain criteria, such as being enrolled in Medicare Part A and/or Part B, requiring skilled nursing care or therapy services, and having a plan of care.

If you or a loved one requires in-home care services, it is important to understand what Medicare will cover and how to qualify for coverage. By working with healthcare providers and Medicare, you can ensure that you receive the necessary care and support in the comfort of your own home.

Convincing Your Parents Home Care is Right For Them.

Convincing Your Parents Home Care Is Right For Them.

Family in home


As our loved ones age, their needs evolve, and sometimes, they require a bit of extra help to maintain their quality of life. Convincing your parents that home care is the right choice can be a sensitive topic. However, with the right approach and information, you can show them the benefits of receiving care in the comfort of their own home.

Understanding Their Concerns

1. Addressing Independence

Maintaining independence is a crucial concern for many seniors. Acknowledge their desire for autonomy and explain how home care can actually support this.

2. Safety and Security

Discuss the safety advantages of having a trained caregiver present, reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring immediate help in case of emergencies.

Highlighting the Benefits

3. Personalized Care Plans

Explain how home care allows for customized care plans tailored to their specific needs, ensuring they receive the attention and support they require.

4. Familiar Environment

Emphasize the comfort and familiarity of their own home, which can greatly contribute to their overall well-being and happiness.

5. Emotional Well-being

Highlight the positive impact of having a consistent caregiver who can provide companionship and emotional support, alleviating feelings of loneliness.

Dispelling Myths

6. Quality of Care

Address any concerns about the quality of care provided at home. Share success stories and testimonials to showcase the effectiveness of professional home care services.

7. Cost Considerations

Explain the cost-effectiveness of home care compared to alternative options like assisted living facilities or nursing homes.

Exploring Available Services

8. Comprehensiveness of Services

Detail the range of services available through home care, from basic assistance with daily activities to specialized medical care.

9. Flexibility in Scheduling

Discuss how home care allows for flexible scheduling, accommodating their preferences and routines.

Involving Them in the Decision-Making Process

10. Open Communication

Encourage open discussions about their preferences and concerns, ensuring they feel heard and valued in the decision-making process.

11. Involvement in Caregiver Selection

Offer them the opportunity to participate in the selection of a caregiver to build trust and rapport from the start.

Addressing Future Concerns

12. Long-term Planning

Discuss the long-term benefits of establishing a reliable home care routine that can adapt to changing needs over time.

13. Transitioning Period

Acknowledge the adjustment period that may come with introducing home care, and assure them that their comfort and well-being are top priorities.


In conclusion, choosing home care for your aging parents is a decision that reflects your commitment to their well-being and happiness. By addressing their concerns, highlighting the benefits, and involving them in the decision-making process, you can make this transition a positive and empowering experience.

What is VA Aide and Attendance?

What is Aide and Attendance?

The United States Department of Veteran Affairs offers in-home services to this county's veteran who has been wounded or could use extra help around the home due to their service. Once a veteran is deemed eligible, they contract with a company such as ourselves to provide that one on one care. Caregivers can aid a veteran in various daily living tasks such as bathing, dressing, and grooming. They can also help prepare meals and perform minor house cleaning tasks. However, there are some limitations on what caregivers can do for a veteran these include handling medication, anything involving cutting (hair or nails), and wound care. These tasks are often reserved for nurses only due to legal stipulations. These HHAs are provided to a veteran through a contracted organization (such as our own) and the VA either pay the company directly or in some cases will give you reimbursement for services you paid for. The organization and the veteran or veteran loved one will work together to set up a schedule for caregivers to come into the home, based on the allotted hours of care the VA has recommended. There are also instances where respite care will be provided as well. This type of care gives the veteran’s primary caregiver a break to do errands or other personal tasks. These hours are often over a yearly period and can be used at the veteran’s wish, as long as they do not exceed their allotted respite hours.

Ok if I get services, what services am I eligible for? 

HHA services often include helping a veteran with:

  • Bathing
  • Getting Dressed
  • Grooming
  • Meal Preparation
  • Feeding
  • Moving from place to place
  • Going to appointments
  • Using the bathroom

That’s interesting but how do I know if I am eligible for these services?

Home Health Aide services are part of a veterans VHA Standard Medical Benefits Package, therefore all that are enrolled are eligible if they meet the VA’s clinical need for the service. This is evaluated by a VA doctor who can prescribe HHA services. This often is often prescribed for veterans who are not able to take care of themselves anymore and need help doing the particular tasks mentioned above. A copay may be charged based on a veteran’s VA service-connected disability status. Service-connected disabilities are often the lead reason HHA services are prescribed but those with age-related debilities can also be eligible. So contact your veteran’s primary VA physician today.

Top 10 Questions (+1 Bonus Question) You Have to Ask Before Hiring a Home Health Care Company

When many people begin their search for a home health care agency they are often inexperienced and can easily get lost with all of the different duties that have been thrust upon them. Between trying to care for their loved ones and maintaining their home life it is hard to do the research needed to find the right kind of care for a loved one. That is where this small, handy list of questions can come in and help. We have compiled a list of 10 questions that we are often asked when interviewed as a home care company plus a bonus question we feel is essential to ask every company you work with! We at GLHCU have also added a reason why you should ask each question and our responses to them. 

1) What is your agency's plan for if a caregiver calls off?


Why ask this question: It is important to know if the agency has a backup plan. Caregiver call-offs are inevitable, even the best caregivers have to call in from time to time. Most companies will have a caregiver or two who are a good fit for the home as back up and hopefully, they have trained with your loved one or been to the home before. It is also a good time to ask how many caregivers they have in the area or which caregivers they have in mind for your home. This question is also essential because if the company does not have a back up they may require you or another loved one to stay with the client instead. 


Our Response: It is always our goal to have a backup plan if a caregiver is unable to make a shift.  We have multiple caregivers across the state who can fill a variety of shifts. We also don't take a case unless we have the needed caregivers and backup caregivers ready to work (Typically 2 for cases with fewer hours, all the way up to 6 caregivers for a 24/7 case). We then continue to hire in the area to build up a pool of local caregivers who can pick up a shift whenever needed. As a last resort, we have proven caregivers who are willing to travel further to help out our clients in need. Though these caregivers would prefer to work closer to their homes, they are often ready and willing to help out at a moment's notice.


2) How do you provide credible caregivers?


Why ask this question: In-home care is a very personal service and sometimes your loved one is in a very vulnerable state due to their condition(s). You are not just having someone come and provide a service but also trusting them to take care of your loved one. With all of these factors, a company must provide credible caregivers. Ask them about their vetting process and how they make sure your loved one is safe with these people in their home. Yes, they may say that they do a background check and drug screen, but how in-depth is it? Some checks are limited to a county while others are for the whole country. Also, some drug tests only test for a few items while others test for a large variety. You do not want someone in your loved one’s home who has a behavior pattern of stealing or is continually under the influence of some drug. 


Our Response: Though not all of our caregivers are licensed, such as CNA or MA, most of our caregivers have years of experience in the field. Before we hire anyone we conduct a full reference check. This includes calling their previous employment and personal references. We also only hire caregivers that pass a national background check, sex offender registry check, the office of inspector general check, and finally, a 13-panel drug test. All of these checks are done yearly and we do reserve the right to randomly drug test if needed. We also verify all caregivers have a valid driver's license and auto insurance.


3) How do I know if my caregiver is working the hours they are supposed to, and how can I get status updates on the services they are providing to my loved ones?


Why ask the question: This is especially important when a loved one does not live with you or care is provided when you are not in the home. It can often be hard to know if your loved one is getting the proper care or even if the caregiver was there. Now, most companies will have some form of the way for caregivers to clock in and out but the systems vary in reliability and detail. Most programs do require a call in from a preselected line or some even are GPS enabled and limit clock in/out to a specific range of the address. Also, a proper company will have signed documentation of what they are doing for your loved one. These records should be available to family members or some even leave a carbon copy in the home upon request. 


Our Response: We schedule our caregivers a month in advance and provide a schedule to the household/family every month. Our system also has a family portal. This is where you can monitor the care of your loved one. This portal has a live schedule, a feed of what tasks have and have not been completed in the home, and the option to add notes or special tasks. All communication in the portal goes directly to our staff who can answer any questions you may have about your loved one and their care. Our caregivers are required to clock in and out either via a smartphone with GPS tracking or our telephony system. This is all to make sure that your loved one gets the care they need. Finally, all of our caregivers are required to fill out a home visit record/note that details their shift. 


4) Can I get a caregiver who has experience with a specific disease or disability?


Why ask the question: The same reason you would not ask someone who can’t cook to cater your wedding. Yes, they can do it, but you may all be eating grilled cheese and tomato soup. All jokes aside, it is important to ask this question if you have someone with a specific disease or disability (Including but not limited to Dementia, Parkinson’s, and Traumatic Brain Injury). Yes someone without experience with a specific disease can still care for someone who needs the specialized help, but they often lack the tools those who have experience can call upon. 


Our Response: Absolutely! We make sure to match up a caregiver's experience with the home. For example, a client with dementia will receive a caregiver with dementia experience. If a caregiver needs a refresher or has limited experience with a disease we make sure they are fully trained by our Nursing Supervisor before they are sent to the home. 


5) How quickly will a provider be able to respond in an emergency?


Why ask the question: Emergencies happen. Whether it is a medical emergency for the patient or a natural disaster, a care company should always have some form of a plan. If they do, you may even want to request a copy of their procedures. Most companies will have a plan they can produce for you within a few hours. Most companies will have some form of on-call but if you have an important medical question you may be SOL if they don’t have a nurse available. 


Our Response: In the case of a medical emergency, the client, caregiver, or family should call 911 before contacting us. However, we have a 24/7 on-call staff that can answer any questions you have or any other issues that may arise. This includes situations such as if a caregiver does not show up or you have an important schedule change. On top of that, we have a licensed nurse who can answer any medical questions at a moment’s notice. We work hard to make sure that you are kept up to date and your loved one is cared for, even after "normal" business hours. On top of that, we have a what to do in case of an emergency sheet in every one of our binders in a client’s home, so our caregivers can reference it if they are ever lost on how to act.


6) Can your agency provide any references?


Why should you ask this question: Established companies should be able to provide a list of references. If they aren’t able to, it may be a concern. Yes, HIPPA laws will prevent them from just giving you a list of current clients, but those that have been providing quality care for a while should at least have a few people who have volunteered to be referenced for potential clients. These references should easily be able to answer any of your questions about the company and receiving services from them. A bonus would be clients who have similar conditions to your loved ones. 


Our Response: Absolutely, we have a few different clients who have offered to be a reference for us and our caregivers. They have offered to talk to others about the services we provide and their experience as a client of our company. 


7) How do the agency train and monitor caregivers? Does the agency provide continuing education?


Why ask the question: Training can be crucial for new caregivers entering the field and therefore crucial to the care of your loved one. Newer caregivers will need training on basics and most companies should have some form of a training program, especially one put on by a nurse. This is where caregivers can pick up on skills such as taking manual blood pressures, using a gait belt, and more. On top of that, a company should have a continuing education program to help their caregivers and nurses stay up to date on their training and advancements in the field. 


Our Response: We currently have a training program in place for all of our employees run by our head registered nurse. There she walks our caregivers through all of the essential tasks they should know how to do before going out into the field. If there is a more specific skill a caregiver has to learn before entering a home for work, she will teach them one on one until they have a solid grasp on how to do it. Some training may even take place in the home to get a caregiver familiar with the tools in the home and the client. Continuing education is provided for our licensed caregivers and nurses. They complete modules online to further their education and stay on top of advances.


8) What resources does the agency provide for financial assistance, if needed? For instance, is a payment plan available?


Why ask the question: Getting care for a loved one can be a little expensive depending on the level of care, the company, and a few other factors. That is why it is important to ask if companies have a way to financially assist you. This can include what type of insurance they take if any fees apply if a client is not able to pay their bill on time due to financial issues and if payment plans are available. You may also want to ask how flexible the company is on hours and days, if the financial burden is too much could you decrease hours without penalty?


Our Response: We work with a wide variety of insurances, claims adjusters, and payer sources to make in-home care more affordable for our clients. Our billing department is always happy and willing to help in any way possible. If the client is a veteran, we work with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and provide informative literature about the different benefits a veteran or surviving spouse can receive. If your loved one needs care due to an auto accident or has a long-term care insurance policy, we work hard with insurance and claim adjusters to make sure your loved one’s care is paid for. We take all the hassle of such by working directly with those companies and providing supporting documentation so your loved one gets continued care.


9) Will you receive a written care plan before service begins?


Why ask the question: The care plan should include details about medical equipment, specific care needs, and responsibilities of the aide or agency. It should also contain input from the doctor, and be updated frequently. Care plans are meant to be a resource for all aids coming into the home and often also contain what tasks are asked of the caregiver. These should also include emergency contact information and be easily accessed by a caregiver. 


Our Response: Though we do not typically send a plan of care to relatives before starting care, one is always in the binder we keep in each home. We will gladly send one upon request. After an initial assessment, the information will be put into our scheduling system and a plan of care will be created and sent to the home before care starts. Our caregivers have access to this before they go to their shifts and are advised to read over it before starting their shifts. These care plans are updated yearly or if a major change happens in a client’s life or needed care. These plans of care also have emergency contact information at the top so a caregiver can contact you in case of a medical emergency. 




10) How are problems addressed and resolved? Whom can you or another family member contact with requests, questions, or complaints? Will the agency work directly with you or your loved one, family members, and health care providers?


Why ask the question: This is essential because communication is key. Problems can arise with such a personal service. Some family members, yourself, or the client may not be happy with the way services are currently being provided. You may also not like a certain caregiver or there may be a conflict between the client and caregiver. If such problems arise it is important to know who you need to talk with to resolve these issues. It is also key to know how such problems are resolved. Do they just get put in a book and dismissed or are they fully investigated and properly resolved. Some companies may even just say you have to deal with it. As far as working with others, a good home care company should be communicating with all individuals involved. This communication has to be clear and speedy to solve any problems and make sure your loved one gets the best care. 


Our Response: As far as any employee and client conflicts we have a few different approaches. The most common one is if a client does not want a caregiver back or the caregiver wishes to not return then we mark so in our system and take said caregiver off the schedule. In more serious cases the authorities may need to be involved and a dissolvent of the relationship may need to take place (whether caregiver to company or client to the company). We never want to put your loved one or our caregivers in harm's way. All such requests or complaints will be directed toward or office staff who will handle the situation. If you have questions about a specific topic, we provide a list of our employees and their specialty at the time of a client opening. Therefore you are educated on who to contact with your questions or we at the office can direct your call as well. All medical questions will be answered by our on-call registered nurse who will update you and the plan of care as needed. Finally, our scheduling system allows you to have access to what is going on in the home while our caregivers are there. Our caregivers can leave notes on how the shift went and if there was any cause for concern with the client. These notes are available in the client portal and if there is a change in the client's condition, our nurse and office staff are immediately notified through our system or the caregiver often calls to let us know. This information is all relayed to those involved in the client’s care.  


Bonus Questions: Why was your company founded?


Why ask the question: This can give you an idea of the people behind the company and its story. Some people are just in it for the money, plain and simple while others have a solid reason behind why they decided to start a company and provide care to others. These stories are often more than just they like to help others or like working with the elderly. Those who are in it for the money often make less empathetic decisions and care more about the profit than the client and caregivers. However, those who have a solid reason to be in business are typically the ones who go above and beyond because they were in your shoes once or currently still are.


Our Response:  For over 30 years Matt & Beth have been the caregivers for their handicapped son. They've had to deal with companies that provided caregivers & nurses that were unreliable and unskilled. That's why they created Great Lakes Home Care Unlimited 7 years ago. They knew others deserved better care and to be treated like family. We understand what it is like to be in your shoes and have to care for a loved one. It is the reason we get up and work hard to give people the kind of care they deserve, every day!